
Senegal: Parliamentary  elections campaign kicks off Sunday 27 Oct till Nov 15, 2024

Oct 25, 2024, 10:34 AM

The 2024 Senegalese legislative elections take place early on November 17, 2024 in order to renew the 165 members of the National Assembly for five years.

The National Assembly is made up of 165 seats which are filled for five years, according to a parallel voting method, in 54 electoral constituencies (corresponding to the 46 departments of Senegal plus  8 constituencies of the diaspora).

The distribution of these members will be done according to a parallel voting method.

Majority voting method

One hundred and twelve (112) seats are filled by majority list voting at the rate of one to seven seats per constituency, depending on their population. For example, the departments of Dakar and Pikine have respectively seven and six deputies while departments like Fatick, Kanel, Matam, Linguère and Guédiawaye each have two (2) deputies.

The main criterion is demographics; in other words, the most populated departments have more deputies. The diaspora constituencies have between one and three seats, for a total of fifteen (15) seats.

The candidate list which comes first in a department wins all the seats to be filled in this electoral district even with a relative majority.

Proportional voting method

The remaining fifty-three (53) seats are filled by multi-member proportional representation. For this voting method, there is a national quotient which is obtained by dividing the number of populations who validly voted by the number of seats available.

Depending on the number of votes validly cast, as many times as it is contained in the national quotient, the lists have their number of deputies. The principle of the strongest remaining is applied for the remaining seats.

Some facts and credentials:

o Around 7.3 million Senegalese voters (out of 18 million inhabitants)

o Conditions to be a voter:

o 41 lists for the legislative elections were validated

o The campaign will run from October 27 to November 15, 2024

- age: 18 years old,

- Senegalese nationality

- full possession of civil and political rights

- Prohibition: conviction for crime, imprisonment of a certain duration given for specific offenses, etc.