
SAAP Consultancy MD Reacts to Trade Ministry’s Badea Finance Facility

Aug 14, 2024, 10:08 AM

The managing director of SAAP Consultancy Ltd, a Gambia consultancy firm, has responded in the form of diagnosing a recent press release from the Ministry of Trade calling on Gambian business community to apply for a Badea Finance Facility.

The MD’s response reads:

Subject: SAAP Consultancy Ltd diagnosing a press release from the Ministry of Trade. Subject: Badea Finance Facility Now Open For Applications from Gambian Business Community.

FACT ONE: SAAP Consultancy Ltd does not subscribe to contents of the press release  from a purely professional perspective where impartiality is driven by passion and guided by principle.  Gambians in general have been receiving these sorts of press releases over and over, where the senders do expect consumption more than analysis. If we as a nation are to go by the principles of People - Process - Product it should be incumbent upon everyone to care particularly, when national interest or the welfare of the targeted audience  could become a vulnerable prey to euphoria.

Sometimes when one reflects on press releases like this one, sense cannot miss what we would qualify as lack of focus within the sphere of great expectations. What does the latter leave us with? Not being able to see through our developmental approach to the Gambian communities, the process (a system) and these products that we can produce ourselves.

FACT TWO: The rice production mandates need to be extended for 20yrs more, we need about $500 to Billion dollars to make our beloved country the Republic of Gambia investment ready for agriculture, manufacturing, telecommunications , petroleum, electricity and export quality that fit to reduce our inflation. We are doing the same bad exercises expecting a different result. Most of these opportunities have already been awarded to the more experienced and familiar faces for the last 40-50yrs. Are we not pedaling to climb the same hill over and over again?  As a result no new employment has been created in respect of existing statistics derived from observations. It seems like everything on the list except Petroleum and electricity can be produced locally. That would definitely solve the problems of our nagging bull headed children (youth and mothers) Dilemma. That is the hard fact.  Feel worthy or die trying through sand desert or ocean waters cannot remain a place where expectations can anchor. Please this is not the best alternative to the feelings of a desperate population and the ministry needs to change this plan or would come back here to nod in approval of our warning.

FACT THREE:  How many times can we keep shooting ourselves on our feet?  We need our citizens’ participation in programs by establishing new cooperatives for this $50,000,000.00. The knowledge is here; Gambian professionals who aren't on the pay roll of PMO and PSC are the very ones who design what some of the  donor countries, international banks  use as their quick reference guides in development plans.   With some retirees and soon to retire folks added to the latter.  Mr. Minister we can’t afford to import when the central bank does not even have enough dollars. The D50,000,000.00 will balloon to D175,000,000.00. Infact, this seems suicidal economic destruction.

FACT FOUR: Our sincere advise is reversed and revised to avoid repeating the same methods over and over without realising results. Like they say it in French "Nous restons a l'ecoute" We will remain static and listen. Predictions and projections when they rise from sincerity and honesty are the remedy.

Author: Mbye Babucarr - Dr Jack Faal Jr.

Managing Director, SAAP Consultancy Ltd.