
Recruitment of Gambians to UAE for skilled employment ratified

Sep 23, 2024, 10:16 AM | Article By: Jankey Ceesay

The National Assembly on Tuesday approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the government of The Gambia and the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to recruit and deploy skilled Gambians to UAE.

Tabling the report, the minister for Trade, Industry and Regional Integration, said that the MoU in the field of manpower with the United Arab Emirates UAE will ensure Gambian workers acquire decent work in that country. 

"Due to the friendly and cooperative relations that exist between the two countries and their people, the government of The Gambia and the government of United Arab Emirates signed an MoU to enhance the existing friendly relations between the two countries through cooperation in the field of manpower to promote mutual benefits.”

"The MoU is intended to guide the development of an institutional partnership between UAE, Ministry of Human Resources, Ministry of Trade with focus on recruitment and deployment of workers in UAE and promoting best practices in the administration of contract employment,” he stated.

He added that the MoU will also facilitate the recruitment of skilled Gambian workers legally to work in the Emirate to ensure proper working condition for the workers, protect the rights of both the workers and the employers and to regulate the contractual relation between them.

"The MoU seeks to promote recruitment of manpower in the manner that realises the interest of both countries and at the same time secures the rights of employers and employees," he added, stating further that, "under this MoU, Gambian workers with skills will be recruited from The Gambia through the public employment services of the Department of Labour, and or by registered licences, private recruitment agencies. And the recruitment will be based on the stated needs of the contracting UAE employer.

"Recruitment will take into consideration international labour organisation general principle, non-operational guidelines on fair and ethical recruitment.

"Authorities in both countries will commit to all necessary measures that extend legal protection to the party workers in accordance with its laws and regulations. The recruitment and deployment of workers to UAE will be in accordance with the existing laws, procedures, guidelines and regulations of The Gambia."

He noted that the agreement ensures that Gambian workers to be deployed to UAE are mentally and physically fit to perform the work for which they are being employed and are provided with proper briefing orientation on relevant laws, regulations, policies, procedures, cultures, practices of the UAE prior to departure.

"The MoU grants the contractual parties the right of recourse to competent authorities in case of contractual disputes in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulation. It also provides for legal measure to be taken against recruitment offices, companies or agencies for any violation of applicable laws."

Trade minister recalled that in 2022, President Barrow launched the National Employment Policy 2022-2026, designed to create 150,000 jobs for Gambians within the policy period.

"Since the launch of the policy, the Ministries of Trade, Industry and Regional Integration and Employment have doubled efforts working with the private sector, development partners and other stakeholders to facilitate the creation of more employment opportunities for Gambians to reduce the burden of unemployment and improve the wellbeing of the citizens.

"To complement these efforts, MoTIE explores possibility of getting Gambians to legally work in countries that need skills and unskilled labour through legal partners such as bilateral agreements or memorandum of understanding. Such collaborative frameworks provide a legal pathway for Gambians workers to legally stay and work in those countries with better conditions of service."

Nominated Member Kebba Lang Fofana, observed that the spirit of the agreement should be contextualised, saying "migration is here to stay, and that as a proactive government, you should ensure that they are secured and do not fall in the trap of human trafficking and being used without having gainful wages."