Among the flagship measures was the ban on televisions in offices, with the exception of those of General Directors and common areas. The announcement illustrates the government's determination to reduce energy costs.
Immediate and Organizational Guidelines
The guidelines include the installation of energy efficiency technologies in administrative buildings, facilitated by a circular note. Each large administration will now have to designate an energy manager, who will inform the Agency for the Economy and Energy Management (AEME) and terminate electricity subscriptions in the event of a move. A national network of energy managers will be set up to coordinate the management of the State's 9,000 electricity subscriptions.
In addition, municipalities will collaborate with AEME and the National Electricity Company of Senegal (SENELEC) to improve the management of public lighting. An energy audit will also be carried out in embassies and their dependencies in order to identify potential energy savings.
Medium-Term Initiatives and Investments
In the medium term, public building construction projects will have to integrate energy efficiency clauses from the design stage. A study will be conducted to select buildings to be included in an emergency solar energy conversion program. School curricula will be enriched with modules on energy saving, and specific plans will be developed for universities and cultural infrastructures. Funding of nearly 60 billion FCFA will be mobilised to support the AEME’s efficient public lighting program.
Specific Additional Measures
In addition to these measures, other directives have been issued to reduce daily energy consumption in administrations:
Development of dedicated spaces: Installation of centralised network printers in secretarial pools instead of individual printers in each office.
Common areas for amenities: Creation of common areas to house equipment such as refrigerators, coffee machines, and microwaves, thus replacing individual allocations.
Limitation of television sets: Ban on televisions in offices, with the exception of those of General Managers, Directors, and common areas such as meeting rooms.
Harmonisation of allocations: Strict distribution of television sets and subscriptions to pay channels.
Furnishing standards: Harmonisation and compliance with office furnishing standards according to the level of responsibility, with a preference for national furniture.
Compliance with accounting standards: Strict application of the provisions of Decree No. 2018-842 of May 9, 2018 relating to material accounting.
Promotion of remote meetings: Encouragement of video conferences for inter administrative meetings that do not require in-person processing, particularly for non-sensitive files.