
President Barrow sues The Voice Newspaper, Editor Musa Sheriff

Oct 17, 2024, 10:44 AM | Article By: Ali Jaw

President Adama Barrow has filed a lawsuit against The Voice Media Company Limited (2nd defendant) and its Editor-in-chief Musa Sheriff Hydara (1st defendant). This follows controversies after the publication of a much-talked about news article on the front page of the paper in September.

The story cited unnamed sources alleging that the President has chosen business tycoon Muhammed Jah as successor to run for the nation’s 2026 presidential race, leading to debates and controversies not only among politicians but even across the masses

Now it stands that the President's threat or warning to sue following the publication of the story - which carried the title ‘Barrow Chooses Muhammed Jah As Successor As Pres. Works on Exit Plan-Sources –has come to fruition.

As Plaintiff, President Barrow claims jointly and severally against the defendants “damages on the footing of aggravated or exemplary damages; an injunction to restrain the defendants and each of them, by themselves or by their servants or agents or otherwise whosoever, from the publication of the said words or any of them or of any similar words to the like effect; damages; costs; and such further or other orders as this honourable court shall deem fit to make”.

Hearing is slated for 25th of October at 11 am before Justice G.A. Kwabeng at the High Court in Banjul.

Meanwhile, an affidavit sworn to by Seedy S.K. Njie, the deputy spokesperson of the National People’s Party (which has been seen by The Point), has alleged that the defendants “falsely and maliciously wrote and printed and published or caused to be written, printed and published” the article which concerned him (Seedy Njie).

The affidavit adds: “I was misquoted in the said newspaper. Sometimes on the 22nd day of September 2024 or thereabouts, I received a call from the 1st Defendant, who informed [me] that he had hot news on his desk about the succession plans of His Excellency the President, the Plaintiff herein.

“The 1st Defendant informed me that he was informed by two party members of the National People's Party about the alleged succession plans published in the newspaper. I made it clear to him that there was no truth in that. I also said that I was not giving him an interview

“Despite me telling the 1 Defendant that what he was alleging to have heard about Muhammed Jah being the successor of the Plaintiff, was untrue he went ahead and published the said article in the newspaper

“It is not true that the news hit some NPP members and top-brass like a thunderbolt as stated in the said article. It is also not true that there is ‘consternation and trepidation among some top members of the ruling party’, as claimed in the said article.

“It is not true that the Plaintiff 'expressed his desire to relinquish power’ or that he was talked out of doing so by party members.”