
Police chief of Operations calls for attitudinal change in fighting crimes, others

Oct 4, 2022, 11:45 AM | Article By: Momodou Jawo

The country’s police chief of Operations, Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) Landing Bojang, has called for attitudinal change in the quest to combat crimes and other “clandestine” activities in the country.

He added that “the country’s security apparatus are more than committed and are doing everything possible in ensuring that The Gambia is safe and that crimes, drugs related issues among others are totally wiped out in our communities. We will leave no stone unturned.”

“The Police can’t do it alone even if we are to deploy police officers in each corner of the country. All hands must be on deck if we really want to fight crimes among others in the country. In fact, I have recently deployed over 400 security personnel throughout the country. They are patrolling day in and day out with the objectives of ensuring that our communities are safe. I even plan to deploy another 400 personnel. However, we need the support of the general public in our desire to ensure that the country is safe. We must work with the police and other security units,” he said on Friday during a press conference organised by the Ministry of Interior.

Officials said the presser was meant to update the public through the media on the measures taken by the Interior Ministry with a view to addressing the recent crimes and other security related issues in the country.

“I want to inform the public that the country has witnessed decreases of crime of about 15% in the number of cases reported for the first quarter of 2021 and 2022 as per our quarterly crime report. As part of sustained efforts to raise awareness, my ministry works with the police and other sister forces in order to ensure we conduct a nationwide security sensitisation aimed at educating and raising awareness on security and the importance of peaceful co-existence and the respect for the rule of law,” Seyaka Sonko, the Minister of Interior posited.     

“I call on religious leaders, opinion leaders and respected youth leaders to join the security in fighting crimes.”

“The Ministry of Interior expresses concern about the recent homicide cases. This is worrisome and signals the need for tightened security engagement. These victims of murder and other forms of crimes lost their lives in gruesome circumstances resulting in altercations, domestic scuffles and minor misunderstandings. What makes this so sad is that most of the reported cases happened in our homes and other private places and thus threatened our social cohesion, peace and security as a people."

Interior Minister Sonko added: “While most of these cases committed by Gambians are homicide, we have also noted with great concern of the robbery case committed by two Chinese people who deliberately stabbed each other. My ministry wishes to condemn this crime and call for the immediate prosecution of the perpetrators in our appropriate court of laws.”

“The ministry of Interior is resolved to combating and mitigating crimes in all its forms. I therefore, enjoin the public to join and support the police and cooperate with them including other forces in the national crusade of fighting crimes. The ministry is pious to support operations meant to crackdown on criminals and prosecute anybody found in breach of the laws of the land.” 

In a swift response, the Interior Minister added the police patrol is within and beyond the identified violent crimes hotspot in an attempt to increase police visibility for deterrent and swift response as when the need arises. “In the past weeks, the police have conducted stop and search, mobile patrol and night patrol with the objectives of ensuring that people live in a safe society.”  

 “All the suspects that committed murder cases in the country have been arrested. It’s only one person who is currently at large. We understand that he is in Senegal, hence we are doing everything possible in ensuring that he is arrested,” Commissioner Sarr, deputy Police Crime Coordinator added.

Ousman Saidy, DLEAG Spokesperson, Cadet Binta Njie of the Police and Mamanding Dibba of the immigration all assured of their institution’s commitment in fighting crimes and other clandestine activities in the country.