The full text of the press release reads below:
The Peace Network is concerned and disturbed by the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza-Palestine. The unfortunate and cowardly attack by Hamas on innocent people in Israel on 7th October 2023 and the indiscriminate retaliatory counter offensive by Israel on Gaza in Palestine has resulted to death of thousands of innocent civilians in both Israel and Palestine. This war has brought monumental destruction and dire humanitarian crisis in Palestine after numerous bombings on different places in Gaza including Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital.
Peace Network condemns this unnecessary war and calls for immediate and unconditional ceasefire. Also, blockades on aid and humanitarian services should be lifted to allow food, water, fuel and medical supplies to reach all people in need in Gaza enclave. Any act of deprivation for extension of humanitarian assistance from Israel is a violation of the fundamental human rights of the Palestinians and the Geneva Convention of which Israel is a signatory and vows to respect.
In addition, we call on the United Nations Secretary General to act with diligence to bring this war to a stop and find immediate solution to this over seven (7) decades protracted conflict between Israel and Palestine. The rights of Palestinians must be respected and protected to ensure sustainable peace and security. Also, Member States of the United Nations should strive to find an amicable solution to this perennial conflict and stop supporting one side against the other. This will only prolong the conflict as it will never bring a solution. What is needed between Israel and Palestine is Peace. This can only be possible through mediation and dialogue.
Furthermore, it is important for Member States of the United Nations to know that they have a sacred duty to uphold, respect and sustain universal peace and security as enshrined in the UN Charter. After numerous brutal and catastrophic wars and violence with many ineffective global institutions, the United Nations eventually came into existence with the sole purpose of saving humanity from the scourge of wars which had many times caused incalculable deaths and destruction. Therefore, the United Nations came into existence to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace and to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends. These objectives are vital as they are crucial for survival of humanity. However, if United Nations Member States deliberately ignore these solemn purposes and pursue their individual and national interest, then humanity will be at the brink of witnessing a new dark age.
Finally, the Peace Network is calling for an immediate ceasefire, release of all hostages, prisoners of war and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from all territories in Palestine. We call for an urgent extraordinary UN General Assembly meeting to discuss and settle this longstanding conflict. It is high time that the UN reaffirm its commitment to its founding objectives and save humanity from the scourge of another global catastrophe.