
Ousmane Sonko indicted over rape case

Jan 19, 2023, 12:08 PM

The decision of Oumar Maham Diallo has just fallen concerning the Ousmane Sonko – Adji Sarr affair. Indeed, the Dean of Judges has decided to indict the leader of Pastef for rape and death threats, announces the Rfm. Ousmane Sonko will therefore be tried by the criminal chamber.

The Dean of the investigating judges, Oumar Maham Diallo sealed the fate of Ousmane Sonko. On Wednesday, he decided to charge the leader of Pastef with rape and death threats against masseuse Adji Sarr. The case is therefore sent back to the criminal chamber for judgment.

On the document sent to the lawyers, no date is written. The Pastef leader is charged with rape and death threat against Adji Sarr. The Ousmane Sweet Beauty case will therefore be tried before the criminal chamber of Senegalese justice.