Responding to a question with regards to accessibility, Magistrate Muhammed Krubally, who serves as the deputy president of the Association of Disables, stated that wheelchair users still faced challenges in some of the polling stations. He defended the findings of the observers, confirming that persons with disabilities continue to face challenges in accessing some of the polling stations.
“I hope the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) will ensure there will be a barrier-free environment in the subsequent elections for persons living with disabilities to successfully vote without hindrance,” he said.
The Election Watch Committee said: “Some Elections Watch observers noted that they had to climb stairs to reach the polling stream. Stairs make the polling place inaccessible to persons with disabilities and the elderly which may disenfranchise them from voting.”
CSO Coalition on Election, reports: “In most of the observed polling stations, persons with disabilities, pregnant/breastfeeding mothers and elderly were either assisted or given priority to vote. However, it was also observed that accessibility for wheelchair users was a challenge at some of the polling booths.”