
NUP Candidate outlines plans to overhaul key sectors 

Sep 23, 2021, 1:50 PM | Article By: Sulayman Waan

The candidate for the National Unity Party (NUP) has spoken highly of the ambitious plans his party has laid down in its manifesto, which includes a resolve to overhaul all key sectors to ensure sustained national development.

Abdoulie Ebrima Jammeh was speaking recently during the unveiling of NUP presidential hopeful held at the International Conference hall in Bijilo. 

Jammeh, a former Director General of The Gambia Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), explains in detail some of the revolutionary policies captured in his manifesto.

“It is my firm belief that the great minds leading NUP coupled with the revolutionary policies and ideas in the parties manifesto and my 35 years of experience, provides winning formula that will transform this country.”

The Gambia, he said, relies mainly on agriculture, tourism and remittances, which he said, makes the country vulnerable to external shocks. 

“The Gambia faces a host of long term developmental challenges such as undiversified economy, small internal market, fast rate of population growth and limited necessary skills required for a change in the employment structure.” he observed.

Equally, Jammeh indicated that the private sector is weak coupled with high rate of youth unemployment and migration. 

“Also most government loans are used for mainly consumption rather than income generation. It is apparent that the economy needs some structural transformation to seek a better future for Gambia.”

Consequently, he outlined the need for The Gambia to have economic growth, jobs creation, poverty reduction and food security sustainably. 

“A NUP government will develop a roadmap for the revival of the country’s economy and institute a debt reduction plan. We will strengthen a domestic resource mobilisation and reduce the corporate tax of businesses and widen the tax base to enhance compliance, he said. These will ease the burden of taxation on businesses and encourage investors to start new businesses in the country.”

According to him, a NUP government will review the investment legislation to introduce zero tax payment in respect of corporation tax for period of ten years for businesses with capital investment value of D12.5 million and above to ensure more companies in the country.

On Education

Jammeh said his government will provide quality and accessible education for all. “Our government will also ensure that there are capable and well paid teachers. This will be done to improve their conditions of service. 

The party will provide sufficient vocational institutions to train the teeming mass of the country’s youth with gainful skills.” he said. 

On Health

For any nation to attain sustainable development, health is accorded a top priority. The NUP party leader has expressed his party’s resolve if elected to provide quality healthcare in all hospitals and health centres across the country.

“A NUP government will establish a national health scheme to ensure all access healthcares. One of our key delivery plans will be building state-of-the- art hospitals in all administrative regions in the country. Our government will also will review the remuneration for healthcare workers with a view to increase their payment.” he said.   

On Agriculture

The former GCAA DG wants to transform the agricultural system through coordination and implementation of agricultural policies to make it more vibrant and thriving to contribute meaningfully to economy growth.

 With abundant arable land, Jammeh said his government would invest in irrigation agriculture to maximise agricultural production and productivity in the country as well ensure irrigation is practiced countrywide. 

“We will provide farmers with necessary financial and technical support to enable them to acquire irrigation facilities such as boreholes as well equip them with skills to manage irrigation system sustainably.” 

His government also has plans to empower youth development in all agricultural activities such as horticultural, poultry and animal husbandry as well as promote private sector investment and participation in agricultural activities ranging from production to commercialisation.

 On Fisheries

In the area of fishing, his government would revise all fishing agreements and licenses to suit The Gambia. “We will provide better incentive packages for industrial fishing companies that are committed to job creation for Gambians.” he assured.

Governance and institutions

On governance and institutional strengthening, they would reform the civil service into a merit based, adding that they will assign the right person to a right office in both the civil service and local government without any political consideration.