He stated that their expectation was that the ferry would be operational before the ‘Koriteh’ (Eid-ul Fitr). However, he explained that there was a delay in the cargo arrivals.
“The vessel supposed to bring the proposed system actually was somehow delayed in Douala, because the cargo came through Brussels. We are now hopeful that by the 24th of this month the vessel will arrive.
“Now subject to our new queuing system, it may be delayed for another few days before it can finally berth, then when the goods are cleared, it has to go through an engineering system to fix. This is the reason it can only be operational in the second week of April,” he explained.
The minister was asked whether his ministry has plans to have standby ferries in case of emergency break down.
He responded positively, stating that “we are currently procuring two additional new ferries one of which will arrive this December and that will eventually give us three to play with, and then the fourth one will arrive six months after the first new one has been delivered.
“We are hopeful that from these ferries, we can go for 24 hours operation and at the same time others will be resting to avoid over use and cater for emergency,” he said.
When asked about the monthly cost of the ferries, the minister underscored that “the monthly maintenance cost for the Kunta Kinta and the Kanilai ferries via the Banjul Barra crossing points is currently at 10.5 million dalasis.”
He clarified that this cost is when both ferries operate.
He highlighted that “the biggest cost in the maintenance of the ferries is fuelling which is at D7.4 million followed by procurement of spare parts which is at D2.7 million and the remaining 0.4 million is for the procurement of lubricants and other miscellaneous expenses.”
He underscored that the Kanilai Ferry was undergoing general rehabilitation and re-engineering including replanting, repainting, replacement of engines with four new marine heavy duty diesel engines being procured, installation of four new subtle proposal pulling and hydraulic systems.
“The four new engines have already been installed in the ferry and the remaining parts will be fixed around the end of this month.”