The aim of establishing a youth branch is to bring young political leaders together to promote collaboration, dialogue and join solutions to the challenges confronting the Gambian youth and encourage participation in party politics and elections.
According to the IPC co-chair, Hon. Halifa Sallah, part of the objectives of the inauguration is to give young people the chance to take part in politics and promote unity, adding that without dialogue, nothing good can be achieved.
He said the IPC will use the youth branch to prepare youth for leadership as the need for cooperation and consultation is key.
He added young people play a vital role as far as development is concerned and having them together in political decision making will promote peace and unity in the country.
“The IPC is working tirelessly to ensure peace and stability among all. Having young people involved in politics is timely because the inaugural meeting will serve as a milestone in the history of The Gambia,” he revealed.
Speaking on behalf of UNDP rep., Abdul Wahab Bah, said UNDP is committed in supporting the IPC, adding that the formation of the youth branch is timely.
“The participation of young people in elections and intervention for promoting inter party dialogue and mediation is key. The existence of the YoBIPC is fundamental in the country,” he said.
Bah added that IPC is an institution fit for purpose, as the idea is to address the challenges of the youths in the political atmosphere.
Lamin Jarju, executive director at the National Youth Council (NYC), said many young people have the belief that politic is for the elderly, and for political parties now to come up with youth structures to fully allow youths to participate is vital.
Jarju said it is important for young people to participate in politics from the beginning to the end and to ensure young people are given key role to play in political affairs.
“We are happy that the participation of young people in politics has been recognised.” The YoBIPC will serve as guiding principle among young people,” said Jarju.
Statement of Commitment
Fafa Njie, a youth rep. from NPP, said the inter party-committee (IPC) has done a very good job. He called on the youths to take youth branch of the IPC serious.
Hon. Omar Ceesay, a youth rep. from GDC, also said the IPC youth branch will help to minimise conflicts and other political crisis associated with the youths.
This IPC youth branch has come at the right time. “We are very happy and this will mark the beginning of a new era that will serve and save the political atmosphere in the country,” he opined.