
Info Minister Queen Jammeh visits The Point

Jul 18, 2022, 2:25 PM

The new minister of Information, Lamin Queen Jammeh and delegation visited The Point Newspaper on Friday as part of a familiarisation tour of institutions under his watch.

Pap Saine, co-founder and publisher of The Point commended the new minister for the visit meant to gather firsthand information on challenges and achievements of media establishments in the country.

Mr. Saine, a veteran journalist, said The Point had won several International awards. 

He, however, informed the minister about challenges they face with regard to payment of moneys owed to the paper for services rendered to government institutions. He also lamented high taxes, while requesting for allocation of land for the company to minimise operational costs.

Baba Hydara, the co-publisher of the newspaper thanked the government for the financial support amid the Covid-19 pandemic. He also praised the current government for the free media environment in contrast to the past regime under Jammeh. He, however, urged government to look into draconian media laws for necessary changes to match the restoration of democracy and press freedom in the country.

The minister and team took note of all concerns raised and promised to take them up to relevant ministries for solution.