
GPF generates over D190M revenue: IGP

Sep 23, 2024, 10:02 AM | Article By: Makutu Manneh

The Inspector General of Police (IGP), Seedy Mukhtar Touray, on Friday disclosed that the Gambia Police Force (GPF) had generated D192,148,535 as revenue for the government in just eight months.

IGP Touray revealed this at a press briefing held at the Police Headquarters in Banjul.

He underscored the IGP’s commitment to foster regular communication with the media on the progresses, challenges and future plans of the police.

He highlighted the successes registered in their operations and activities, citing the validation of the Police Bill 2024, robust patrols leading to reduction of major crime among others as major achievements.

“We validated the National Police Bill 2024, a landmark achievement because the current Police Act is obsolete and it needs to be repealed. Robust patrol of the police force leads to significant reduction of major crimes from 63 cases in the second quarter of 2023 to 46 cases in the second quarter of 2024; representing decrease in violent crimes from 57% in the second quarter of 2023 to 43% in the second quarter of 2024.”

He added that in order to improve officers working condition, the force distributed 34 sets of office furniture to eight police stations and posts in two regions, adding that more would be distributed to other regions. “We have issued two sets of uniforms and berets to all police officers and we intend to increase it to at least three pairs next fiscal year,” he revealed.

On improving the working condition of GPF, IGP said they procured 13 new engines to service grounded vehicles that will be added to the forces fleet of vehicles. “So officers can respond to Gambians calls in timely manner.” Also, he said, they distributed nine brand new vehicles to six regions to ameliorate their mobility needs and with the hope that the vehicles will significantly enhance crime fighting capacity.

IGP Touray further acknowledged the challenges encountered by the force, particularly the lack of protective gear for officers dealing with dangerous criminals.

“We are seriously constrained in protective uniforms for police officers, particularly the operatives. These officers go against dangerous and armed criminals and therefore need Tasers, pepper spray, and even firearms to protect themselves and the public from these nefarious criminals,” he posited.

IGP Touray revealed that the Gambia Police Force’s Forensic DNA Lab now can collect and analyze forensic DNA samples, describing it as a groundbreaking development as first of its kind in the history of Gambia Police Force.

He disclosed that their forensic experts can now carry out DNA testing and biological analysis, which he said is crucial for modern policing. “These capabilities allow us to gather and examine critical forensic evidence from crime scenes and help identify perpetrators in cases of sexual assault, homicide, murder, and missing persons, among others.”

The Inspector General also assured that introducing these forensic tools will enhance conviction rates and expedite case resolutions through due process.

He finally appealed to Gambians to continue supporting GPF in the quest to make Gambia safe irrespective of race, gender and political affiliation among others.