According to government, this is the result of the current global economic uncertainties brought mainly by the covid-19 pandemic, and the recent war in Ukraine which together are exerting enormous pressure on the resilience of our economy and threatening stability.
"The effects which are contradicting, as manifested in a reduction in economic activity and revenue generation, contrasts negatively against the surge in the price of fuel and other commodities required to ensure continued functioning of government. As such, it has become imperative for the government to introduce some fiscal and austerity measures to mitigate the negative effects on the economy, and by extension on the delivery of public services to our citizens," the document stated.
It indicated that all overseas travel for training, meetings, conferences and seminar/workshops, are all suspended except for statutory meetings of the UN, ECOWAS, AU, World Bank, IMF, AIDB IsDB or where the organisers will pay in full the cost of participation in such overseas event.
The document further revealed that traveling officials whose accommodation facilities are paid for by government will be paid half the number of days per diem for the mission.
It continues that government provision of postpaid mobile telephones for public officials will be limited to departmental directors, permanent secretaries, director generals, or executive directors, adding that all other postpaid lines except for relevant security functionaries are discontinued.
"MDAs must ensure that expenditures on fuel and lubricants are kept to the barest minimum. As such, all monthly fuel allocation to eligible officials will be reduced by 20%."
According to the document, these measures would be in place pending improvements in the economic landscape, they will be reviewed.