"The 150 million US Dollars represents the estimated cost of the entire implementation plan which includes prosecution but much broader as it includes reparations, legislative and institutional reforms, reconciliation and peace-building," he revealed. "Based on our assumptions, the tribunal (prosecution) is expected to cost up to USD 65 million,” he explained.
There are two forums where trials could take place, he explains, saying these are the Special Division of the High Court of The Gambia, established earlier this year, and the Hybrid Court.
"For the Hybrid Court," he expatiated, "we are now beginning to mobilize resources to establish the necessary infrastructure, including the tribunal building and detention center. These and other facilities must be operational before trials at the special tribunal can begin."
The recruitment process for the Special Prosecutor has already started, he also said: "Once the Special Prosecutor is appointed, they will determine which cases should wait for the special tribunal/hybrid court and which can be filed immediately in the Special Division of the High Court.
"Therefore, trials in the local courts may start as soon as the Special Prosecutor is appointed, but trials at the special court will occur later, after it is fully established and staffed," the Minister further disclosed.