It can be recalled that on the 28 of July 2022, Her Lordship, Justice Haddy Roche of The Banjul High Court acquitted and discharged both Drammeh and Gassama of charges of economic crimes and related offenses.
While The Gambia Government fully acknowledges the High Court’s ruling, the verdict does not in itself, preclude further charges being brought against Drammeh and Gassama for suspected financial crimes committed at Gam-Petroleum.
As the allegations of crimes committed are widespread, the scope of the investigations are (is) equally broad and time consuming.
The public is therefore, informed that investigations into Saihou Drammeh and Lamin Gassama’s alleged financial activities are continuing and the Government will take appropriate action at the conclusion of these investigations.
Ebrima G. Sankareh
The Gambia Government Spokesperson & Presidential Diaspora Adviser