The full text of the party letter reads below:
I write to extend my congratulatory message to you on behalf of The Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC) for honouring your promise to the Senegalese people to bring an end to your presidency after serving your two term. Your decision not to contest for third term has ended months of uncertainty and during your broadcast you have highlighted the importance of maintaining peace in our political spectrum.
Your Excellency Sall, your decision supports and upholds Democratic values and has paved the way for a new leadership to inject new ideas for the continuous development of Senegal.
We have realized the unrest in the subregion due to leaders long stay in power.
Your Excellency, Presidential term limits have spread across the world but in many countries Presidents and their allies seek to circumvent or eliminate it to prolong in power.
You have protected the Democratic peace and continue to promote the country's interest since you came into power and you have achieved unprecedented infrastructure developments in your two terms. These achievements are evident and every Senegalese will be proud to take ownership of.
Your Excellency, it was a very much calculated decision to run only two terms which would ameliorate many people and address the serious political problems by counterbalancing incumbent power in the subregion and Africa at large.
Finally, President Sall, please accept my heartfelt appreciation and the statemanship you have demonstrated. Your broadcast gave a much needed fillip to democracy in the region.
As a great advocate of Term Limit both my time as Law Maker in The Gambia and other international bodies, I am proud that there are still Presidents that will honour the two terms promised made to their people.
Congratulations, President Sall on your decision and wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.
Hon. Mamma Kandeh
(Secretary General and Party Leader, Gambia Democratic Congress GDC)