Mr Conteh testified that Joana had a bond with Gamcel and needed to offset it at the time of leaving Gamcel. The KMC undertook to pay the bond of D154,000 to Gamcel.
Joana Hall was a senior accountant at Gamcel and was hired by the KMC as finance director. The KMC had to to pay her bond fees to Gamcel for an amount of D154,000.
Mr Conteh confirmed that by 2019, the KMC had already paid them D100,000 and the balance left was only D49,000. He was provided payment vouchers from the KMC regarding another payment of D154,000 through a cheque.
He was provided the cheque from the KMC and meeting minutes regarding a discussion of the D154,000.
In the meeting minutes, the human resources manager of Gamcel acknowledged receipt of the payment. The HR manager also pointed out that the outstanding payment was D54,000 and not the amount as contained in the cheque issued by the KMC.
Mr Conteh said his company, Gamcel, did not receive the payment from the KMC. He testified that he did a thorough search in the records of Gamcel and he was not able to trace it.
He was handed the cheque and also read the meeting minutes discussing the matter of payments for Joana Hall’s bond. However, he repeated that he has reviewed their records but he could not trace any payments of the amount contained in the cheque.
He was provided a copy of the cheque to verify from Gamcel. He would reappear before the Commission.