
Gambia-Senegal ‘defence cooperation key to confronting crime, insecurity’

Jul 25, 2024, 10:37 AM | Article By: Momodou Jawo

Sering Modou Njie, the minister for Defence has stated that the understanding between the Armed Forces of Gambia and Senegal through renewed cooperation and partnership is the way forward for confronting crimes and insecurity in the region.

Minister Njie, who was speaking recently at a joint military committee meeting between the two countries, said: “Therefore, I urge you to take the meeting very seriously and contribute constructively to the deliberations.”

At the bilateral level, he said, the two countries enjoy close and cordial relations as development partners. “The relations have developed into a strategic partnership, based on shared democratic values and the increased convergence of interests on bilateral, regional and global issues.”

On this basis of friendly and fraternal relations existing between our two countries, he went on, numerous bilateral Agreements, Protocols and Memorandums of Understanding have been signed on various sectors of our economy ranging from the the Agreement on Defence and Security Cooperation between the Republic of The Gambia and the Republic of Senegal, signed in March 2017.

The Protocol on Operational Arrangements for the implementation of the Right to Cross-Border Hot Pursuits and Joint or Combined patrols, he recalled, was signed on September 12th, 2018.

“These Agreement and Protocols seek to further strengthen the bilateral relations between the two countries on the basis of mutual understanding and respect, and the need to promote and consolidate Peace and security in both countries in the mutual interest of our two peoples.”

The establishment of the Joint Military and the Joint Defence and Security Committees, Minister Njie added, was recommended during the 3rd presidential council meeting held in the country.

“These Committees can help build trust and confidence between the security agencies of the two countries.  They can always intervene to diffuse tensions and agree on common Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) particularly on matters bordering on security to security engagements such as joint patrols, combined patrols or joint operations.”

“The Joint Military Defence and Security Committees in the contemplation of the hot pursuit protocol is that they will always meet to review the prevailing defence and security situation in the general area of the two countries and agree on a joint approach to address the issues head-on.”

“The two parties recommended that at the level of the Permanent Secretariat; a funding mechanism should be put in place to fund identified activities. Establishment of channels of communication central to the operationalization of agreements and protocols as well as activities related to them.”

Defence Minister Njie added: “The two countries reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring that dissidents or subversive elements from either state are not harboured or allowed the use of its territory to destabilisze the other. Training and capacity building of The Gambia Defence and Security Services was requested by the Gambian side.”

“The two parties strongly recommend the posting of a Defence Attaché to The Gambian High Commission in Dakar to facilitate the follow up and implementation of the Cooperation Agreements. In pursuit of these, Focal Points were identified: For Defence and Security: Permanent Secretary; Ministry of Defence and for the Military, the Senegalese Defence Attaché to The Gambia.”

“Therefore, the fruitful bilateral cooperation that exists between the Gambia and Senegal is reminiscent of the great sacrifices made by the two countries for peace, security and stability.”

“The meeting creates a platform for our two armed forces to put heads together and come up with a road-map on the implementation of the Defense and Military Agreement already signed. This could not be timelier considering the dynamic security environment we find ourselves in today, and may face in the future.”

“This forum is expected to come up with a framework for renewed security cooperation and partnership that is capable of dealing with security threats and preventing criminals from using the Senegambia region as a safe haven.” 

“Our two Presidents have a fraternal and friendly relationship. It is thus our responsibility to nurture and to preserve it with full commitment to the cause.”