Organisation of the Islamic Conference, Dr. Yousef Bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen, President Barrow assured him that The Gambia is on track to host the forthcoming OIC Summit to be held in The Gambia in 2022.
The President also affirmed his dedication to the OIC’s commitment to combatting terrorism and extremism.
Shortly after his meeting with the President, Dr. Al-Othaimeen thanked the President for granting him audience, describing him as an "understanding and gracious" man who is committed to the realization of issues related to the development of the Umah. He said his conversation with the President focused on peace, security, and the Umah's anti-terrorist position, which the President fully supports.
He praised the President and government for their efforts in ensuring the Summit's success, and stated that the OIC will be there to support The Gambia throughout the process.