The Gambia got successfully elected as a member of the Commission on Population and Development on Wednesday 13 April 2022. This Commission is a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, initially established as a “Population Commission” on 3rd October 1946 and later changed to the “Commission on Population and Development” by the decision of the General Assembly of the United Nations on 19th December 1994. This body of ECOSOC is responsible for conducting demographic research, supporting intergovernmental processes in population and development, and assisting countries in developing their capacity to produce and analyse population data and information. The Commission consists of 47 Members elected by the members of ECOSOC for a period of four years. For this year, the Commission’s statutory annual meeting is scheduled to hold in New York from 25-29 April 2022.
In addition, The Gambia, as one of the 10 elected African member states of the UN-Women Executive Board, began its three-year term (2022 -2024) in January 2022, through its Permanent Mission to the United Nations. The United Nations General Assembly established the UN-Women for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, a composite entity of the UN system known as UN-Women, since 1st January 2011. The General Assembly subsequently established the UN-Women Executive Board as the oversight Governing Body of the entity to provide intergovernmental support and supervision of its operational activities. The composition of this Executive Board is made up of representatives from 41 Member States elected to serve for a period of three years.
The Gambia is grateful for the support and trust bestowed upon it by the larger UN membership and would continue to serve and work with others in promoting, defending and championing development issues, governance, peace and security, rule of law, human rights, empowerment and protection of the rights of women and youth, especially, as it relates to the mandates of the two bodies.
Source: Permanent Mission of The Gambia to the United Nations, New York