Sowe was speaking recently at Q-City during a press conference staged ahead of the Fulbeh Africa 10th anniversary under the theme: ‘Building sustainable communities through cultural heritage’.
He noted that the association with 150 members also strives to teach the Fula language with written books to safeguard the language. “As members, we said we have to be writing Pularr, because if you want to speak Pularr, you have to write the Pularr language,” he said.
He states that Fulbeh Africa with the love for its culture and tradition, came together to bridge that gap through culture.
He added that for the past 10 years, the association was able to settle disputes through peace building for coexistence, showcased the need to cement the gap between Fulas and other tribes and promote peaceful coexistence among the tribes.
“We encouraged other tribes and also invited them to partner aimed to promote and showcase cultural diversity,” he noted, whilst they continue building capacities for young Fulas through educational activities and conferences.
Ahead of the 10th year international festival, Ali Bah, the Fulbeh Africa head of Culture and Programmes, stated that the festival would commence Sunday 25th-26th December through conference discussions on culture and tradition with other socio-economic issues affecting Fulas and other residents in West Africa.
He noted that the conference would be taken through talks on the significance of language in culture, adding culture and tradition purely depend on language.
He stated that if a language is not spoken, then there comes the definite death of that language. The conference would also highlight harmful cultural practices such as early child marriage.
He said that the conference would highlight the significance of child education, particularly girl child education, noting that women’s education also contributes to a progressive society.
Other areas of discussions would include climate change, citizenry documentation through immigration involvement.