He takes over from the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Honourable Nialé Kaba.
The Board of Governors, which is the highest decision-making body of the Bank, is comprised of the Ministers of Finance and/or Ministers of Planning of the fifteen (15) ECOWAS Member States.
Speaking on the appointment of the new Chairman of the Board of Governors, Dr George Agyekum Donkor, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank, expressed his confidence in Mr. Keita’s ability to lead EBID towards achieving its objectives in terms of strategic growth, efficiency, and regional impact.
The President of EBID also highlighted Mr. Keita’s expertise in the finance, trade and industry sectors while emphasizing the minister’s extensive experience in private sector development, financial strategy and fiscal management.
In his remarks, Honourable Seedy Keita pledged to support the Bank to make progress along four areas, namely: resource mobilisation, capital recoveries, the bringing onboard of non-regional members and the overall establishment of EBID as the regional Bank of reference.
Source: https://www.bidc-ebid.org