“The other service we want to introduce is e-ticketing system which will be launched in March 2022. We are currently working in finalising the application (APP) and after that, it would go through testing before deployment,” Jawara told journalists recently in a presser at Banjul ferry terminal.
GM Jawara said this service would enable ferry customers to receive quick response (QR) code on their smart phones upon purchasing tickets from ferries and revenue controllers would scan the code to authenticate the tickets.
Speaking further, he said customers without smartphones will receive short message service (SMS) with a number which officials will use to authenticate the ticket.
An e-ticket carries the same information as a paper ticket. The major difference is, an e-ticket is located in a computer database instead of the passenger's suitcase.
Electronic ferry ticket has virtually replaced traditional paper ticket in the majority of harbours and ferry lines around the world.
The principal advantage of the e-ticket is the fact that it reduces booking expense by eliminating the need for printing and mailing paper documents.
Another advantage is that it eliminates the possibility of critical documents getting lost in the mail. It is also more secured than paper ticket because paper ticket could be lost at any time.