
Deputies refer Local Government Amendment Bill 2020 to ABC

Jul 14, 2020, 11:04 AM | Article By: Ismaila Sonko

Deputies at the National Assembly on Monday referred the Local Government Amendment Bill 2020 to the Assembly Business Committee (ABC) before the third reading.

Meanwhile, the mover of the motion, Hon. Alagie Jawara, the Lower Badibou lawmaker will make some amendments to the bill within three days.

Hon. Jawara said the bill seeks to grant independence to members of the area councils from their respective parties and political leaders, and to further enhance the system of local governance, autonomy, freedom of speech and debate in accordance with section 193 of 1997 Constitution.

He added that the bill also seeks to ensure that council members’ sense of duty, functions and actions are influenced by the supreme national and community interest and the dictates of conscience and not by their individual interest or party leaders.