“Of recent, we are witnessing the frequent robbery attacks in the region threatening the peace and stability of inhabitants of the area. This is something that will not be accepted. All hands must be on the deck with the desire of ensuring that robbery attacks among others become things of the past. As security personnel in the area, you all need to collaborate and work together for the interest of the country and also collaborate with the communities in ensuring that the menace is arrested.”
Defence Minister Njie who made these remarks on Monday while addressing soldiers of the second Infantry Military Post at Njongen village of the Lower Nuimi District, NBR, said: “Our objectives among others are to ensure that people’s lives and properties are secured. Therefore, we want the entire security personnel in the region to work together and address the issue. We can’t continue to allow people to come from somewhere else and attack our people,” he postulated.
The Ministry of Defence, he said, is currently engaged in policy formulation among others, all geared towards the development of the GAF. “The Ministry is working with the GAF in developing a ‘Veteran Policy’ which will cater for retired serving members of the GAF. Again, over the years, the government has taken steps in addressing the challenges the GAF personnel are encountering.”
“In fact, we have realised that accommodations are among the challenges that soldiers in all our deployments are encountering. I can assure you all that the government is working towards addressing it,” he promised.
According to Minister Njie, the government is also planning to construct a standard military hospital in the country. “Discussion about the military hospital is ongoing and the design has already been reviewed. We will also construct a new office for the Ministry of Defence and the Defence Headquarters of the GAF.”
He thus urged personnel of the GAF to maintain a high standard of discipline.
Lieutenant General Mamat O. Cham, the CDS of the GAF, thanked personnel of the GAF within the area for maintaining a cordial working relationship with the community of the area. “No part of the country should be allowed to go to anyone. We should therefore protect every inch of the country.”
He urged the soldiers to exhibit a high level of standard and discipline, saying: “Personnel of the GAF are doing well since the change of the government in 2016. Therefore, we want you to continue in that direction.”
The GAF agricultural project, he said, is still on course. “The biggest items of our expenditure go to feeding as about 40% of the GAF’s total expenditure goes to feeding alone. Therefore, if we can feed ourselves, we can use that money to build dormitories and fence our military camps.”
“I also want you to maintain a good working relationship with the other securities service. We are not competing with anyone. Each security service has its own roles and responsibilities as that is the new national security architecture,” he said.
“Let’s put tribes aside as it only further divides us. What we should be doing is promoting the country’s interest and agenda. We will make sure whatever is meant for you, is given to you and that everyone will be treated justly. We are also working on the terms and conditions of services for soldiers.”
Personnel of the second Infantry Military Post at Njongen village who spoke on condition of anonymity at the meeting, highlighted some of the issues affecting them, citing the need for demarcation of the military post, communication gadgets, mobility and upgrading the living condition of the soldiers among others.