Speaking in an event to mark the 58th independence anniversary of the country held at McCarthy Square in Banjul, President Barrow said the country’s governance approach and development initiatives illustrate the nation’s commitment to democracy and how it has been successfully used as a development model.
“Our National Day is a reminder to showcase our patriotism and loyalty as proud Gambians willing to accommodate one another,” Barrow stated.
“Democracy allows us to consult, dialogue, negotiate, compromise and accommodate dissent. It is a system that rejects injustice, inequality, suppression, dictatorship and autocracy. In addition, it promotes rights, freedoms, procedures, and regulations. In The Gambia, as democrats, we maintain the supremacy of the Constitution and the rule of Law, with due regard accorded to our diversity.”
Barrow said he’s convinced that democracy is a framework to attain peace, development, and stability, adding that his government is duly committed to good governance entrenched in the principles of democracy.
He further stated that his government believes in democracy for peace and development, democracy for self-determination, economic growth and protection of human dignity.
The head of state emphasised that the government legitimately derives its mandate and authority from the people hence must defend their values and principles, beliefs and practices, aspirations and social structures. In this way, he added, there is harmony between the government and the people.
“We are compelled to co-exist as Gambians and should accept the wisdom and necessity of living together in peace and harmony to develop our homeland, despite our diverse opinions and interests,” he said.
“Fortunately, our differences can be harmonised by democracy as a political system and a social process in our family systems, communities, institutions, organisations and the nation.”
He reminds Gambians that the true spirit of democracy is the recipe for peace and development.