
Barrow expresses condolences on the passing away of Grand Marabout of Gambissara

Sep 17, 2020, 11:13 AM

State House, Banjul, 16th September 2020: President Adama Barrow joins the Muslim Community in The Gambia and abroad to mourn the demise of Grand Marabout, Alhajie Mpakary Conteh, who passed away on Wednesday, 16th September 2020, in his hometown of Gambissara village, in the Upper River Region.

Alhajie Mpakary, fondly called Haran Mpakary by his disciples, was well known amongst the Soninke Community for his knowledge, humility and commitment in the spread of Islamic knowledge. His demise will create a huge vacuum in the Conteh family of Gambissara and beyond.