
Bakau resident testifies over cattle theft

Jul 10, 2024, 10:17 AM | Article By: Dawda Faye

Saidou Touray, a resident of Bakau Wasulungkunda, yesterday testified before Magistrate Touray of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court against one Papa Bojang, who was charged with cattle theft. He told the court that the accused on the 28th May, 2024, called him on his phone around 7 p. m. and told him that he had a sheep for sale.

He stated that he then met the accused at a junction where the accused showed him a picture of a sheep on his phone. “I later went to his home where he showed me the sheep and said he was selling it at D20,000. I gave him an advance payment of D6,000 and would pay the balance later. I was not comfortable and I was not also at ease,” the witness further testified.

One day, he told the court, he decided to return the sheep to the accused. “I wanted to return it around 7 p .m. but people were many at the home of the accused. I then took the sheep in a car to the accused around 11pm and coincidentally, the owner of the sheep arrived and said that he was looking for the said sheep. I handed over the sheep to the owner, who along with the accused and the sheep went to Bakau Police Station where I wrote my statement,” Saidou Touray further told the court.

He continued to testify that three photographs of the sheep were taken.

“Will you be able to identify the photo graphs if they are shown to you?” ASP Touray, the prosecuting officer, asked the witness.

“Yes,” he replied.

The said photographs were then shown to him. He went through them and confirmed them. ASP Touray applied to tender them in evidence. They were shown to the accused and asked whether he had any objection for the tendering of the photographs, and he answered in the negative. The said photographs were admitted in evidence and marked as Exhibits A, B and C.

“Did the accused refund you the D6,000 you paid in advance?” ASP Touray wanted to know.

“No,” said the witness.

Saidou Touray, the witness, is expected on the 5th August, 2024, to be cross-examined by the accused to challenge, contradict and discredit him.