The full text of the press release reads below.
The Commission of the Africa Union presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and all Member States of the African Union and has the honour to inform them about the appointment of the Reference Group to support the implementation of Executive Council Decision EX.CL/Dec. 1234(XLlV) para 11/39 urging the AUC to develop an Africa Water Vision and Policy that provide a strategic framework towards inclusive and climate resilient water security in the continent beyond 2025, aligned to Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want!
The Reference Group primary task will be to provide leadership to build and sustain broad political consensus on the Africa Water Vision and Policy for consideration and adoption by the Assembly of the African Union in February 2026.
The Reference Group shall comprise the following:
a)Hon Bai Mass Tall of Republic of The Gambia, as Chair
b)Dr Stephen Max Donkor of the Republic of Ghana
c)Hon Akissa Bahri of the Republic of Tunisia
d)Hon Monyane Moleleki of the Kingdom Lesotho
e)Representatives for Central and Eastern Africa to be advised In carrying out their work, the Reference Group will ensure dialogue and active engagement of different stakeholders including political leaders, parliaments, civil society organizations, the private sector, academia, local authorities and the community.
At the technical level, the Reference Group will be supported by a team of Sherpas who will facilitate activities to formulate the text of the Vision and Policy that will provide a strategic framework towards inclusive and climate resilient water security on the continent.
The following shall comprise the Sherpas:
a)Ms Ruth Beukman: Coordinator - Integrated Water Resources Management (WRM), Strategy;
b)Jean Michel OSSETE: Financing, investments and resource mobilisation;
c)Dr Laila Oualkacha: Water supply, sanitation, hygiene, and wastewater;
d)Dr Francine Abiola: Water supply, sanitation, hygiene, and wastewater;
e)Dr Nicholas Azza: Water Infrastructure for economic growth, climate resilience, and disaster risk reduction;
f)Mr Lenka Thamae: Governance and institutions for managing and protecting water resources
g)Dr Alexandros Makarigakis: Information management and capacity development
h)Ms Rennie Munyayi: Gender equality and social inclusion
The Sherpas will draw from both their expertise and wealth of knowledge including information made available to them from the Africa Water Sector and Sanitation Monitoring and Reporting (WASSMO) and related SDG-6 monitoring systems.
The Commission of the African Union avails itself the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and all Member States of the African Union, the assurances of its highest consideration.
Addis Ababa, 5 February 2025.
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