This is first time the university is hosting the conference in The Gambia under the theme: beyond the sparks- adapting multidisciplinary research to address human capital and development challenges in Africa. iSTEAMS is an international multidisciplinary, inter-tertiary collaborative conference.
“This is the first time the conference is coming to The Gambia and at AIUWA. The conference targets to address research thrust, hoping that it will be able to address some of the challenges in the health and other sectors,” Dr Wahid Olanipekin, conference grounds chair said.
Vice Chancellor of AIUWA, Professor Makie Taal, said as a University, research is one of the cornerstones of what AIUWA emphasis on.
Prof. Tall emphasised that the AIUWA research advocacy is geared towards creating platforms for the initiation and enhancement of research that proffer tailor-made and innovative solutions to challenging problems facing industries in different specialisations in Africa and beyond.
“This Conference is one of the many ways we earmarked on for our development. This is the first international conference we are hosting at AIUWA.”
According to Prof Taal, AIUWA gives academic research the requisite priority with all categories of faculty members because they strongly believe in achieving qualitative teaching and manpower training and development.
Keynote speaker, Prof. Longe Olumide Babatope who delivered a lecture on overcoming cognitive distortions as a means of promoting multidisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa, observed that people must stand to compliment each other’s work instead of competing and building hatred and enmity.
Dean of the faculty of computational science and informatics at Academic City University College in Accra, Ghana, Prof Longe, said in polarised thinking, things are either black or white, saying whatever people are doing, they must try to be perfect or they will end as failure.
“Some people just need a little, not money, it could be advice, it could be opportunity and that can change their lives.”