
Access Bank pleads with NA to appear solo in petroleum saga

Oct 9, 2024, 10:07 AM | Article By: Jankey Touray

The National Assembly Joint Committee of Public Enterprise Committee (PEC) and the Finance and Public Accounts Committee (FPAC) has granted Access Bank’s appeal to discuss the ongoing US$30 million petroleum saga in camera.

This decision was made to protect the bank’s customers during the investigation.

“We plead with you that since this issue is quite sensitive and involves customers, we would like to discuss the matter with you in camera with your permission,” the bank officials said on Tuesday.

The chairman of the committee, Hon. Alagie S. Darboe, along with the members, granted the request, stating that the bank had previously asked to appear in camera during their briefing.

“It is from part of our discussion at the briefing stage and the company we sought to consider the request based on the merit attached to your plea, and in that case, we are appealing to the media that we have no choice but to conduct the meeting in camera.”

Chairman Darboe further highlighted that since it involves customers, the business’s reputation could be at stake. Thus, the company decided to submit a request and also act in camera to protect the interests of the business.

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