These two new confirmed cases bring The Gambia’s total number of covid-19 to 36 with one death.
The two patients are Gambians – a 24-year-old and 26-year-old respectively; both females returned from Senegal and kept quarantine on 15 June 2020.
Senegal confirms 106 covid-19 cases
The Senegalese Ministry of Health yesterday reported 106 cases of covid-19, bringing country’s total number of infections to 5,475; 17 in serious condition, 76 deaths, 3,716 recovered, 1,682 under treatment.
In Senegal, schools will reopen on 25 June 2020 for
students at Junior and Senior Secondary to take exams.
Students taking A level exams will write exams on 12 August, while students at the university take exams in September.
The 2020-2021 academic year would begin in November 2020.
The Senegalese government promised to do everything possible to fight the covid-19.