
100 NPP supporters cross carpet to GDC

Dec 10, 2020, 11:35 AM | Article By: Ousman Jallow in CRR

At least one hundred supporters of National People’s Party (NPP) last Sunday defected to The Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC) at a mass political rally held at Changai in Sami district, Central River Region North.

This new batch of GDC supporters switched allegiance, as they claimed NPP has no tangible solution to their problems, further claiming that the party is emulating ex-president Jammeh’s system of governance.

They argued that Barrow’s government cannot even buy their groundnuts, yet trying to block local buyers from buying their groundnuts.

 “It is only GDC that can solve our problems if elected into power in 2021”, they added.

They also highlighted that among the many challenges lacking in the area are access to clean drinking water, hospitals, markets, education and infrastructural development to youth empowerment.

CRR North Regional chairperson Arss Sowe called on GDC supporters to stand firm for the success of the party, acknowledging the role of GDC in improving the living condition of people.

Madickeh Jawo district chairman said GDC is providing access to clean drinking water and milling machines when they have not been elected to power yet.

Jarra Ndow women mobilizer, West Coast region clarified that rice, sugar, cooking oil and cash that is being given out to citizens does not belong to President Barrow, saying people should not allow the president to deceive them.

Also speaking, M.C. Cham junior reminded people about the ongoing projects initiated by the party within the district.

Welcoming the new members, Hon. Mama Kandeh, party leader of GDC called on the party supporters to unite and work towards unseating President Adama Barrow in 2021.

Kandeh noted that GDC would manage the affairs of the country with experience and knowledge.  

“It is government’s responsibility to ensure parts of their taxes are returned to them in the form of development but Barrow’s government is not doing so.”

He expressed optimism that GDC will assume power in 2021.