
What next after NAMs reject extension of State of Public Emergency?

May 19, 2020, 12:35 PM

Deputies at the National Assembly on Saturday rejected a motion for the extension period of the state of public emergency to another 45 days.

The motion, which was tabled before the lawmakers by attorney general and minister for Justice, Abubacarr Tambadou, received support from 23 lawmakers and was rejected by 25 legislators out of the 47 present.

The motion, according to lawmakers, must have the backing of 43 votes of the parliament before it can be passed.

While some welcomed and commended the development, others believed the country is far from eradicating the deadly virus with rise in new reported cases.

Extending the State of Public Emergency to another 45 days would only worsen the daily hardships of vulnerable families, especially those who depend entirely on small businesses.

With one death and 10 active reported cases, what do we make of this latest development?

However, around the globe some businesses are slowly reopening doors after strict lockdown measures.

There is need for stricter adherence to recommended guidelines if we are to make any meaningful headway. World Health Organisation has warned that there should be no room for complacency.

Already local markets are inundated with people as Muslims prepare for Eidul Fitr, making an end to month-long fasting.

The almost five weeks of nationwide stay-at-home order has fueled discontentment among many especially vulnerable communities.

Let’s now look at ways of securing our porous borders as cross-border movement intensifies. Communities should make it a point of duty to report anyone suspected of entering the country through such means.

And they should desist from harboring people coming into the country through such means, by always taking into account that health is wealth.

We have to be vigilant that people coming to our shores are free from coronavirus and how do we do by referring them to health posts for check-ups.

Going by records, the number of imported cases in the country has swell these past days even though there are few reported local transmission cases.

There is need for increase awareness among local communities. People should at all times adhere to recommended guidelines such as maintaining social distancing and avoid going to crowded places.

“One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.”

Arnold H. Glasow

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