
The need to strengthen our lab systems!

Jun 13, 2024, 11:39 AM | Article By: EDITORIAL

It is no hidden secret that laboratory services play an indispensable role in any country’s health service delivery system. In other words, laboratory services are an essential component of curative and preventive health care activities worldwide.

This reminds us of the popular adage –‘health is wealth’. And investing in health is investing in the economic development of the populace. And for any country to make any headway in meeting her targets in ensuring quality health care service, it must ensure a full-functioning labs systems.

Strengthening our lab systems would greatly aid in better diagnosis and for early detection of new diseases.  

The covid pandemic served as a wake-up call for countries in the sub-region on the need to revitalise and strengthen our laboratory services.

It is in the news that the West African Health Organisation (WAHO) yesterday gathered lab experts and other key stakeholders from lab related fields during the 4th edition of the annual ECOWAS Regional Reference Laboratory Network Meeting currently underway in Banjul.

The confab couldn’t have come at a better time than now when countries in our region are fast recovering from covid pandemic. It also brings to light the importance attached to the area in dispensation of quality health delivery.

Thus, the meeting will also accord delegates from the sub-region the opportunity to not only brainstorm on emerging challenges, but also share best practices as far as new innovations are concerned.

Improved disease recognition improves the accuracy of reporting and contributes to effective national health planning. The importance of laboratory services cannot be overstated.

It is important we state here that lab services also help in early detection of diseases, which enable timely management of cases.

We thank WAHO and stakeholders for convening this important forum, which will go a long way in strengthening our overall health care system.

To this end, we applaud the efforts the government is doing in strengthening the country’s lab systems.

For instance, the establishment of the sample referral network in public health labs has improved disease surveillance and pandemic preparedness.

And the government remains committed to scaling up this network with the support of our partners to ensure meaningful results.