
Strengthening border security!

Sep 13, 2024, 9:14 AM | Article By: EDITORIAL

Border security is an important component in the overall development of nations. In view of this, it is important for countries to invest in strengthening border security.

With a surge in globalisation amid transnational crimes, strengthening our borders is key in safeguarding and protecting lives and properties.

The Gambia, just like in most parts of Africa, some communities lie just on the edge of borders and as such they become targeted by criminal gangs, who oftentimes robbed them of their property. This makes it a matter of urgency to ensure border security at all times.

Also, the nature of our porous borders give rise to mass proliferation of arms, smuggling of goods and even some instances human beings.

This nefarious act, sponsored by powerful criminal syndicates, goes to show how important it is for all to work together and end this growing phenomenon.   

The surge in transnational crimes, such as trafficking in persons, goods and other transnational crime is of great concern to nations.

However, fighting these criminals will be a herculean task if countries want to fight individually. This brings to mind the need for a multi-national endeavour to eradicate the root causes of this menace.

The issue of border security has not only stirred debate among citizens, but also opened room for more action to strengthen our borders.

In most African countries, the nature of our porous border makes border security even more daunting. This has resulted in smuggling of all kinds of items from people, good to even arms. This to some extent also contributes to conflicts and border skirmishes which sometimes end in fatalities.

It is a fact that armed attacks on our borders are not a phenomenon. Though, The Gambia in the recent past has managed to intensify its border security which has paid dividends. Also, this is largely, due to constant border patrol by joint security from the two countries.

We cannot but thank our gallant men and women in uniform, who are always committed to the territorial security of the Gambia.

It is common sense that borders are designed to control illegal entry and exit of goods and people into a territory, which is in turn intended to promote the security, social cohesion, and common prosperity of the people of a country. However, the porous nature of our borders allows criminals to thrive in their business in that they capitalize on existing loopholes and penetrate our borders.   

Therefore, it is incumbent on all to serve as good ambassadors of the country. To this end, we call on all to play a part in border management as strengthening our border security is contributing to national development.

We therefore call for more joint border patrol to safeguard our common borders.