
Power of prayers!

Aug 13, 2020, 11:01 AM

Amid crisis that has shattered global economies and crippled businesses, there is need to intensify our collective prayers and submit to one and only creator, Allah, Who is all Knowing, all Hearing and all Seeing.

God almighty has created the jinns and mankind only to worship Him.

And when faced with fear of the unknown, turning to an All-Knowing God is a good place to start. For people of faith, we know that God answers prayers and that, as it says in the Holy books “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

That doesn’t mean we only pray; we act as well, but, calmed by the awareness of the presence of God, we can respond with clarity and direction.  

The Gambia government in its latest restriction to contain the spread of coronavirus in the country, has placed a ban on congregational prayers in both mosques and churches across the country. 

We believe these regulations on the situation of mosques by government should be reviewed. Places of worships such as mosques should be open with strict measures such as social distancing and hand washing.

However, to close places of worships is not the ideal solution under such circumstances.

We therefore call on government to waive its restrictions on congressional prayers at houses of worship.

As a deeply religious country, we can’t afford to continue shutting the doors of mosques and churches amid coronavirus pandemic. We should instead intensify our devotion and prayers for Allah to guide and protect us all from this deadly virus. Prayers at this moment is instrumental and for God to answer all our cries, especially in a worrying situation like Covid-19.

We need to ask for God’s forgiveness at all times. Together, there is so much can achieve and congregational prayers are one of them. Let’s intensify our devotion to God with prayers and for our Creator to see us all through this pandemic.

"For prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God."

Saint Teresa of Avila