
How effective is wearing of face masks?

Aug 28, 2020, 11:54 AM

In July, 2020, the Gambia government made wearing of face masks mandatory in public, as the country witness a spike in coronavirus cases. The move is part of a broader drive to help stem the spread of Covid-19 in the country.

Authorities warned that the mandatory use of face masks will be strictly enforced with on-the-spot penalty of a D1000 fine for those not respecting this regulation among other health safety precautions.

On a hindsight, police have made tremendous onslaught as far as the enforcement of wearing of face masks is concern. Over the past weeks, a number of people were arrested and even prosecuted for non-wearing of face masks especially in public places. This to a certain level has made people to always comply with the new rule even walking on short errands.

Again, what people should understand is the fact that police are just enforcing an order, but wearing of face masks is for our own health. Experts believe that covering the nose and mouth as far as Covid-19 is concern, are the main confirmed sources of transmission of virus that causes coronavirus infection. Therefore, wearing of face masks should be a moral duty on all as far as one’s health is concern.

As we speak, The Gambia coronavirus figures stand at 2,708 cases with 93 deaths. This figures clearly shows the fast pace at which this deadly virus in penetrating The Gambian society.

For those who prefer to use the locally made, let’s use material that one find to be comfortable and breathable, such as cotton. Covid-19 is a global pandemic that has infected over millions of people and has claimed the lives of millions globally, with the numbers still rising.

Wearing of face masks, physical distancing, washing your hands and isolating if you have symptoms are the three most essentials. But mounting evidence indicates that face masks can cut the risk of spreading COVID-19. And health experts argued there is strong evidence of the efficacy of masks. So let’s wear face mask for our own health.

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