
Happy Ramadan in advance!

Mar 8, 2024, 11:11 AM

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and it is considered the most important month for Muslims around the world. During this month, people fast from sunrise to sunset 29 0r 30 days depending on the sighting of the new month.

It is considered the holiest month in the Islamic calendar and is believed the first verses of the Qur'an were revealed to the Prophet in this Holy Month of Ramadan. It is a month characterized with spiritual reflection, self-improvement and heightened devotion and worshipping of God. Thus, during this holy month Muslims devote a lot of time seeking Allah’s blessing.  

As a tradition, Muslims especially those in a good state of mind all over the world observe Ramadan by fasting from dawn until dusk. They also make sure they abstain from drinking, eating and engaging in other immoral acts.

Being the fourth pillar of Islam, fasting according to religious scholars, is not only a physical act, but a spiritual one designed to bring closer to Allah.

In some communities, believers spend a lot of time in prayers, reading the Holy Qur’an and giving out charities.

Prayers in congregation especially at night also form another hallmark of the faith, all designed to seek for Allah’s blessing.

Muslims around the world will observe this year’s Ramadan starting this week. In this connection, we call on all devoted Muslims to stay true to the teachings and preaching of the Holy Prophet Muhammed SAW.

Fasting during Ramadan is an important act of worship that teaches self-discipline, empathy and spiritual awareness. 

The act is compulsory on all adults who are physically and mentally capable, though there are exceptions for those who are sick, pregnant, breastfeeding and travelling.

Some health experts revealed that fasting during Ramadan can have a number of health benefits including improved insulin, weight loss and reduced inflammation.

To the business community, they should always remember that Ramadan is a month of seeking Allah’s blessings.

However, it is also observed that it is during this holy month that some unscrupulous businessmen would engage in dirty-business ventures. This includes, sky- rocketing of market food prices, hoarding to other undesirable practices. These are all designed to make more profits, at the expense of the ordinary poor.

Muslims should always remember that all human beings are in transition on this earth. Therefore, it is incumbent on all believers to rededicate our efforts towards making our transition to hereafter better a smooth and promising one.

Therefore, Ramadan is to purify the soul and demonstrate solidarity with the poor and the needy. 

Happy Ramadan in advance to the Muslim Ummah!