
Another coup in MALI!

Aug 20, 2020, 11:32 AM

The recent political upheaval in Mali has been widely condemned by both regional and international partners, who fear Keita’s fall could further destabilise the former French colony and the West Africa’s entire Sahel region.

However, the development comes following weeks of political turmoil, which saw opposition protesters taking to the streets to demand for the resignation of IBK.

If ECOWAS firmly puts its foot down with support from the international community, these cowboys won’t last.

Mali is landlocked. Nonetheless, civil strife and governance is becoming an egg and chicken situation. Developing countries cannot rely too much on the democratic process to secure change. Our leadership is appalling couple with too many weak institutions.

When there is prevailing rampant corruption, total collapse of state institutions and injustice, perpetrated by leaders, no voice of condemnation is heard from any of the international bodies (except it is in Europe and/or is communist - such as Belarus and Venezuela). When the masses are slaughtered and the military takes over, then comes a flurry of condemnations of coups and not the problems leading to it.

Invariably, the symptoms are always the same which include, overstaying, abuse of the constitution, blatant corruption and injustice. Now, this is what should be condemned and rectified first - before mass disobedience and unconstitutional change or bad and non-performing leadership with weak institutions.

Yes, Mali faces another military takeover. The regime of IBK has been accused of corruption, ineptitude, nepotism and indecisiveness to deal with the security problems of the country particularly in the restive north, etc. among other governance issues.

It was for these reasons that the people took to the streets on numerous occasions and demanded for the resignation of the President. African heads of State from the ECOWAS region went to Mali for peace talks and to find a lasting solution to the impasse, but to no avail.

Finally, the military has intervened and forced the President to resign in accordance with the will of the people of Mali. The President should have read the mood of the country and endeavour to leave office to ensure the democratic order prevails and safeguard the peace and security of the country.

Military interventions at any rate are unacceptable and that the maintenance of democracy is the best and preferable system of government. We hope Africa will learn again from the Mali incident.

"Most of wars or military coups or invasions are done in the name of democracy against democracy."

Eduardo Galeano