
Access to energy!

Jul 5, 2024, 9:56 AM | Article By: EDITORIAL

Access to efficient energy supply is becoming an increasing demand in the country especially in the Urban Center. Residents would attest to the fact that the recent electricity cuts, especially during peak hours, is a cause of concern.

This has not only hampered businesses and industries, but even residents, who continue to depend on electricity for various household needs.

In fact Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) calls for affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. From job creation to economic development, from security concerns to the full empowerment of women, energy lies at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - agreed to by the world’s leaders in September 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda.

Therefore, the country’s utility giant- NAWEC should work on the current realities many residents are going through within the Greater Banjul Area, which is homed to half of the country’s total population.

Residents have raised concern and some of the daily challenges they are going through as a result of these interruptions in electricity supply.

Access to energy is key in attaining any economic transformation. It has not only formed an integral part in ‘our daily lives’, but undoubtedly no meaningful development takes place in the absence of efficient energy.

In view of the foregoing, ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services is paramount.

Certainly, the country is making significant strides in ensuring efficient and affordable energy supply to its citizens. However, from the look of things and the slow pace at which these energy ambitious targets are being channelled, leaves much to be desired. 

Globally, it is estimated that about 600 million people will still lack access to electricity and close to 2 billion people will still rely on polluting fuels and technologies for cooking by 2030. This also brings to mind the need to invest in renewable energy as an alternative to meeting the country’s energy demand.

Studies revealed that developing countries experience 9.6 percent annual growth in renewable energy installation, but despite enormous needs, international financial flows for clean energy continues to decline.

In order to ensure energy for all by 2030, countries must accelerate electrification, increase investment in renewable energy.

This also reminds us about the huge potential in terms of clean energy potential, including a massive amount of high-quality renewable resources. But the difficult backdrop for financing means many transformative projects can’t get off the ground.

The international community has a major role to play in scaling up clean energy investment in Africa.

To this end, we share the challenges and daily hardships businesses and residents in general are going through. We call on NAWEC to find solutions to this situation making lives extremely ‘unbearable’ for many within GBA.