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Police Nab Three Foreign Nationals

Dec 2, 2008, 4:34 AM | Article By: Modou Sanyang

The Gambia Police Force recently arrested three foreign nationals for allegedly stealing a cannon from Senegal according to sources.

They are Ebrima Jobe and Sheikh Jeng, Senegalese nationals, and Yusufa Ouedrago a Burkinabe.

Sources further reveal that the three suspects stole a cannon from Sally village in Senegal, belonging to one Ousman Mbenga of Senegal. The source reveals further that the cannon was seen in The Gambia by a Senegalese national who notified the owner in Senegal, who came over to The Gambia and reported the matter to the authorities. The three suspects are reported to be professional seamen.

Meanwhile, according to sources, the three suspects have been charged with the offence of receiving or being in possession of property stolen from abroad contrary to section 298 of the criminal code cap 10 volume III laws of The Gambia 1990.

According to our source the theft is alleged to have taken place on 29thNovember 2008.

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