The NTA chairman was speaking recently at the joint session of the Public Accounts Committee and Public Enterprises Committee of the National Assembly.
He further informed Assembly’s joint committees’ members that the NTA, as the regulatory institution for technical and vocational education and training (TVET), has made huge strides toward the development of a dquality TVET delivery system, which is outlined in the policy Document -The Gambia Skills Qualification Framework (GSQF).
Mr Njie added that the NTA’s department of policy and planning under the supervision of the Director General, in addition to planning strategic programmes with management, continues ensuring that outcomes of implemented activities produce results that conform to the board directives and policies designed to meet their statutory mandate.
The Director of Quality Assurance has a reputably diligent role in the development of quality system delivery programmes relevant for the TVET sector, he said.
The authority acknowledged the successful completion of the UNDP-sponsored activity Survey on Skills Gap Analysis for out-of-school youths (13-30yrs) in CRR North, the tracer study on TVET graduates and the equipping of the mastercraft persons.
The survey was aimed primarily to identify the existing skill gaps for out of school youths, and to establish currently available deman- driven skills and necessary skills training and other interventions to address the skills gaps, he said.
He added that they would continue to be closely monitoring and progressively be improving on lapses, and commended the training institutions and individuals who contributed immensely in assisting the Authority meet its targets.