Mr Wadda, who doubles as Chairman of the Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation (ISSF) technical committee, is among the 5-man coordination committee tasked to make proposals and comments to the 4th Islamic solidarity Games Organizing Committee to establish strategies and plans for work through the coming year.
A letter written by ISSF Secretary General Faisal A. Alnassar dated January 8, 2014 addressed to Mr Wadda states: “This is to refer to the decision of the 8th General Assembly Meeting awarding the right to organize the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games to the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2017.
“In accordance with Article 9 of the Islamic Solidarity Games regulations, the respective supervision and coordination committee shall be formed one year after the games awarding.
“On this occasion, it is my pleasure to present to you my sincere congratulations on your appointment as member of this prestigious committee as well as my best wishes of success in your mission. The I.S.S.F General Secretariat welcomes your entire proposals and comments that may contribute to the development of the committee’s work.
“Soon there will be a meeting of the SCC with the 4th Islamic solidarity Games Organizing Committee to establish strategies and plans for work through the coming year.”