The first vice -president of The Gambia Football Association (GFA), Major General Lang Tombong Tamba, in an interview with journalists shortly after The Gambia and Sierre Leone U-17 match has called on the public and private sector to fully participate for the development of football in the country.
General Tamba expressed his total disappointment about the low turnout of fans during the match noting that Gambians should take ownership of their football. "The gate collection today cannot even cover the air tickets, accommodation and pardiums of the referees and match commissioner," he said.
He stated that the GFA alone cannot do it, noting that the national teams are the cream of the nation. He urged Gambians to be proud of their football and added that the money they spend in the video clubs would be far better if spent on the national teams.
General Tamba also called on the private sector to emulate the efforts of Africell in supporting the GFA towards the promotion of Gambian football.