
GOOD MORNING MR PRESIDENT: Solve the power outage menace in the country

Oct 30, 2023, 10:56 AM

Mr President, many Gambians old enough to remember that era are still regretful over the events of November 22nd 1977 (almost 46 years ago) when an explosion at the Half-Die Power Station left the Greater Banjul Area in almost complete darkness. Since that fateful day (which fell on a Tobaski Day), Gambians have been struggling with power outages.

Even though the then Gambia Utilities Corporation (GUC) has since undergone different management changes and even different changes of names and nomenclatures, such as Utilities Holding Company (UHC), Management Services Gambia Ltd (MSG) and now National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC), the country still continues to endure power outages.

Mr President, your two predecessors - Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara and Yahya Jammeh - were unable to resolve the problems of electricity and water, and the onus is now on your government to try and resolve it.

It is quite obvious that without adequate and guaranteed energy supply, it would be quite hard for any sustainable development to take place. In fact, it would be even quite harder to entice investors into the country when they are not guaranteed such a vital ingredient for production.  Recently, we have seen the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) of the United States partner with your government, providing $25 million for the improvement of electricity supply. Of course we all welcome such partnership, but is that enough to get us out of the energy supply predicament that we have found ourselves in for almost half a century?

Mr President, your government should be seen to show more commitment to resolving the persistent energy crisis, and that involves casting the net much wider among its friends and partners. For instance, as The Gambia is scheduled to host the next Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit, your government should approach the rich Gulf states and other Muslim nations to help address the issue. 

Mr President, so far, millions of Dalasis have been spent and continue to be spent on the energy sector, yet the problem is still with us. We have seen the millions being spent on getting electricity supplies from Senelec of Senegal and the Karpowership of Turkey, which certainly is not sustainable. It is also no doubt, the high price and cost your government is paying or incurring to get the power supply we make with now is also responsible for the ever-increasing cost of living.

Mr President, on a final note, The Gambia River Basin Development Organisation (OMVG), which includes The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry and Senegal as members, has an energy project of 225KV. It is vital that its implementation phase and financing of 722 million US dollars be fast-tracked for the energy needs of the population of the four countries.

Good day!

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