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The Call is Necessary

Nov 5, 2009, 1:08 PM

Africa remains the most affected region in the global AIDS, TB and Malaria epidemic, the world most killer diseases.

The call by Kenyan demonstrators for the world biggest economy to provide more resources to supplement the fight against these diseases is an intense material call.

Reports has it that hundreds of Kenyans on Wednesday demonstrated at the Kenyata International Conference Centre gate calling on the American President Barack Obama to lead the way to mobilise more resources to supplement the fight against AIDS, TB, and Malaria Global Fund grant.

 We would not hesitate to urge President Obama to do that, considering his influence in the world.

As IzaakWalton said, "Look at your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing money cannot buy."

The privileged should give support to the poverty-stricken, so that we make this world a healthier place.

The demonstration was organised on the third day of the 5th Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM) Pan- African Conference by a consortium of Kenyan NGO?s called Kenya AIDS. The demonstrators were wearing T-shirts with a slogan (yes we can -help the other half).

The estimated number of deaths due to these diseases is in the millions, of which 76 per cent is said to have occurred in sub-Saharan Africa. This illustrates the colossal, long-term challenge that lies ahead for provision of treatment services, with the hugely disproportionate impact on sub-Saharan Africa ever more apparent.

The resources committed to these diseases and other major health problems needs to be increased and constant, as health is paramount, and should be the concern of all.

"I row after health like a waterman, and ride after it like a postboy, and find little success."

Jonathan Swift

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