#Article (Archive)

Menace of bush fires

Feb 11, 2010, 11:33 AM

The menace of bush fires still continues to be a hard nut to crack in our society.

Whether reported or not, bush fires are still occurring in many parts of the country, at times with destructive effects on farm produce.

The saddest part of it is that, most often, the delinquents starting bush fires are unknown.

But the consequences are many and severe not only to nature, but also to people.

In most cases, bush fires have made people to lose their farm produce, while leaving uncountable animals starving.

The Ministry of Forestry and Environment should strengthen their sensitisation efforts in communities to help avert the situation.

Bush fires can be serious and, if not addressed adequately, can cause a big problem for our rural settlers, and the country as a whole.

It is a fact that bush fires are not caused naturally, but caused either by cigarette smokers inadvertently or bad elements or even people searching for honey.

The need to preserve our environment is very important, and there should be no compromise for those found wanting in creating the menace.

We also encourage our farmers to create bush fire belts in their communities, so as to prevent their farm produce from being consumed by bush fires when they occur.

We also urge the public to report anyone found wanting in the practice of starting bush fires.

No doubt, implementing these measures would go a long way toward addressing the menace of bush fires.

"Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attractiveness of others."

Oscar Wilde